Senin, 27 April 2020

Guru Terbaik itu adalah pengalaman

Hi guys welcome to my blog
Today I want to share about this quote from Mr. Bob Sandino.

Okay, di sini saya mengambil kutipan dari kata-kata ini. Menurutku kutipan beliau ini memiliki makna bahwa kita harus terus melangkah maju dan terus berproses menjadi orang yang lebih baik lagi. Maka dari itu beliau mengatakan "Jadilah manusia pembelajar, belajar dari kehidupan yang anda jalani" Belajar dari pengalaman menurutku itu adalah salah satu guru yang terbaik di kehidupan kita. Karna terkadang seorang manusia tidak percaya dengan ucapan-ucapan atau cerita dari orang-orang yang pernah mengalaminya. Kebanyakan mereka akan lebih percaya dan berhati-hati jika itu terjadi di kehidupan mereka sendiri.

Contohnya seperti orang-orang sukses diluar sana mereka pasti sudah sangat berpengalaman terjatuh kemudian kembali bangkit lagi. Belajar dari pengalaman bahwa cara yg mereka tempuh ini salah selanjutnya mereka menjalaninya dengan sebuah perbaikan dan terus menerus seperti itu. Selalu berusaha mencari solusi, ide dan kerja keras hingga mendapatkan hasil. Nah, sifat ini lah yang telah mungkin lebih tepatnya sedang da selalu harus saya ingat juga tanam di diri saya sendiri.

Jadi, untuk kalian para manusia jangan sungkan saat kalian terjatuh, banyak masalah, tidak bisa fokus, terlalu banyak kesalahan, dan selalu mementingkan ego masing-masing. Yuk, secara perlahan kita mulai menanamkan dan merenungi apa yang menjadi hambatan dirimu kenapa belum bisa sukses padahal udah berjuang sekuat tenaga. Mari kita kembali melihat apa yang selama ini menjadi kesalahan dan sesuatu yang menghambat proses itu sendiri. Terus intropeksi diri dan berusaha berubah menjadi orang yang lebih baik lagi kedepannya.

I wish you will get it someday๐Ÿ™Œ
Hwaiting! Terus semangat dan berproses
Percayalah usahamu tidak akan menghianatimu.
And don't forget to pray๐Ÿ˜Š
Thanks yang udah mau membaca sedikit uraian ini. Semoga bermanfaat untuk readers semua.
See u next time in my new topic of course only in my blog๐Ÿ˜‰

Minggu, 26 April 2020

Hello Friends

It's too long time no see ya!
Today I want you to see about my 100 Dreams
I wish my dreams come to be true
Aku haarap mimpi-mimpiku yg sudah aku tulis bisa terwujud dimasa sekarang dan masa depan
Here you are my dreams

Thanks a lot;)

Senin, 31 Desember 2018

My big brother

His name is Rizky Novi Kusyandi Pratama. He has a long name. He is a good brother. He is older than me. We omly different 2 years old. The most of people called us like twin. I don’t know why. Maybe, because we have same eyes. It is slanting eyes like our father too. We have a tall body too. My brother is more taller than me. We only different in 1 cm. We have same skin too and many others. I’m sure that is why many people look at us like twin. So, we have a great relationship like sister and brother in our family.

Sabtu, 22 Desember 2018


Hello guys we meet again in my blog. Today I would like to tell something about my imagination.
I’m sure, everyone has an imagination right?
I’m not sure about my imagination. I think my imagination in overdose area?
That happen at I’m six years old. Do you know power rangers?. I like watching that movie. I think that movie is very fun. Every Sunday and Saturday in the morning. I would sit in front of television for waiting power rangers movie. Of course, I’m not alone for watching that movie. But, I would watch that movie together with my elder brother. We have same favourite movies.
In the afternoon at that time my elder sister was doing her task with her friends in children school. Because, I don’t want to disturb her. I went out in the yard of my house.
Do you know when I saw the sky? What happened?
I saw two big robots. They fought like the movie that I watched in my television. I shocked for that. I tried to opened and closed my eyes. But, it was same. I still saw two big robots fighting each other. Until now, I agree that I saw just my imagination when I child. 

Sabtu, 08 Desember 2018

I Lost my sandals

Seven month ago. I have left from dormitory. I had many story when I lived in dormitory. One story, I am sure everyone has experience about it. Especially for me. It was losing sandals. In that day when I would walking to the mosque at 3.30 am in the morning. From my room and go down pass through by ladder. In the one floor. I stopped finding my sandals for a few minutes. But, I don’t see my sandals. Adzan has been cawing. It began to start subuh prayer. I need to go to the mosque now.
In the mosque after we learn about English. We went back to our dormitory. When we were going to dormitory. I looked someone using sandals. It saw like mine. I asked her “It is yours?’’, ”No, I just used random sandals in dormitory” she said. “Oh my god, it’s mine” I said, “Really? I apologize for borrowing your sandals without permission”, “No, it’s okay if you don’t forget to return it” I said, “Of course, I will return it. Thank you”. “Your Welcome” the last I said. So, we went to dormitory together.

Sabtu, 01 Desember 2018

My Favorite Activities

How to spend our time? Are you still at home? Or do you want to spare your time with your friends? It has many activities you can do it for that. Okay, I will talk about some my favorite activities.
First, I love dancing moreover there are modern dance or traditional dance. But, since I am a scholar of high school I don’t do dancing again. Second, I enjoy swimming although I can’t swim. Since I am nine years old then now I can’t swim. Maybe, it is difficult for me. Third, I like playing games. All of the game in the world I like them. Moreover, they are mobile games or the real games. I like them very much. Don’t need a long time to learn about a new game. I am just trying to play it once. After that, for the next I have been able to do that. But, sometimes I can do it during the first I tried.

I think that are some my favorite activities. Thank you guys and see you.

My Special Objects

I have many special things. That are from my family, my friends, and other. One of special objects that is my pinky bear. Why it can be my special object?
Maybe, because that object given by someone. Next, laptop is my special object too. Because, in my laptop I saving many objects in there and it is very important for me. Like videos, pictures, documents, and other. Last, my phone is one which I need and my special object too. Reason, in my phone I can update everything. Every time and everywhere if you have the kuota in your phone you can do everything like watching videos, to update status in your social media or upload something. I have the other special object. 
But, I think that is the common objects which I can tell for you. Thank you.

Guru Terbaik itu adalah pengalaman

Hi guys welcome to my blog Today I want to share about this quote from Mr. Bob Sandino. Okay, di sini saya mengambil ...